martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Assessing our e- projects through a rubric of evaluation!

Hello everybody!
Today, I would like explain our new challenge. We were asked to create a rubric of evaluation in order to assess our collaborative e- projects. As you know, we were working on it last week, therefore now we have to evaluate it. If you want to know about our e- project, click here and you will have the whole process that we had to follow last week.
Related to this task , I have to say that, as a teachers, assessment is one of the most important  and complicated duty. It is not easy to decide when a task is successfully achieved or not, or even if it could be improved.  Therefore, working on creating a rubric,in order to evaluate students, is a suitable way to organize this process. Taking into account my previous reflection, creating a rubric of evaluation about our e-projects is the perfect way to be aware of the things that we have to improve, in order to have a better results.
In order to achieve  this new challenge I decided to use the online tool Quick Rubric”. ”. Before that, I had a look at different tools but I chose this one beacuse it is really easy to use. As it is a online tool, you have to log in  first.
Once you have your account, you will be ready to create your personal rubrics! Here is an example of what you will find.

As you can see, this tool allow you to give a score rating for evaluating the e- project. In order to make the score balanced you have to bear in mind the number of criteria/ topics that you are going to evaluate and the number of levels for scoring.
In order to edit the rubric, you just have to fill the gaps with the information that you consider relevant. You can add columns and rows as well as delate them easily. Once you consider you have your rubric completed you only have to save it, and it will be automaticately saved in your account. Added to that you have other options such us: share, print or copy it. And the most important think is that, as it is a online tool you are allow to modify it whatever you want. However, this tool does not allows you to have and embed code in order to share it, you  are just allow to share the URL of the rubric.
Apart from the lack of emeded code, I highly recommend this tool as it simple and intuitive. You can create your own rubrics taking into account the goals you want your students achieve.
Having said that, here is my  rubric. I hope it will be useful to evaluate any project!

I look forward to hearing from you!

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Discovering how to use Aurasma!

Hello everyone!
Due to the World Book day, our next challenge was related to this celebration. In order to achieve this mission we were asked to present a poster about the kind of reader we are and then, add a brief video clip/ audio track to the picture through the app Aurasma.
To begin with, I used the online tool Picktochart to create my poster. As you know, in my previous challenge I used Canva in order to create our collaborative infographic, so I decided to choose another one. Picktochart  provide you with plenty of opportunities to create attractive and eye- catching posters. The only problem with this online tool is that many of the  formats are not free. Anyway, I got a great result!
The next step for this misson was to create a video/ audio clip explaining what kind of books I like, my favourite one  and finally, the characteristics that define me as a reader. To create it, I used Movie Maker, where I added the poster that I did with a record of my voice explaining all this aspects.
Regarding with Movie Maker, It is a really intuitive as well as easy tool. It allows you to edit your own videos adding pictures, records, songs, videos and so on.
Finally, we were asked to sing up in Aurasma and download it in our smart phones in order to achive the challenge.
This step was easy for me as I had worked on this app in my previous challenge, where my peers and I created a tutorial about how to use this application. If you click here you can see how to use Aurasma step by step.
Once I have completed my mission I have to say that Aurasma is an amazing tool were you can work on 3D in an easy way! I have to say that at the beging I was  afraid about it and I though I would not be able to achive it.
Here you have my final task, but first, you have to follow me on Aurasma: magayarr, otherwhise I will not work!. 
Now, you are ready to see my new creation with this app. 
Focus on the image and it will appear!

Finally, we have share all our task in a collaborative board in Pinteret, which is called: “A Wall of Books”. If you want to discover our amazing creations here you have the link:

I hope you like it !

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Planning and recording our video challenge about our collaborative e- project!

In order to achieve this challege we had to imagine that we were pitching a movie idea to a director. Therefore, in teams, we had to complete a storbyoard for a short vido challenge  that we recorded later.
First of all, we had to think of the goal and then the tool that we would like to use in order to create the storyboard.
Our main goal when we started to think about the video was to make children reflect on their surroundings, sepecillay, about thier neighborhood, so that we though to create a video challenge using different scenes in which a child could be seen involved.  In order to organize all the information that came to our minds, we decided to use a storyboard template with a lot of details such us: characters, dialogue, scenery and so on.  
If you clik here you can find our storyboard

Once we had our story board done, was the time to record our video. Taking advantages of the story board that we had done beforehand, we did not spend to much time thinking of what we were going to do or say during the record. In order to create or video challenge, we use Imovie. I highly recommend this tool to create videos as it contain many features as: music, videos, images and so on. Imovie is a simply, easy and intuitive tool with amazing result! Therefore, it fitted with our challenge.
After using it, we consider that, Imovie could be use with students in clas as well. They would have the opportunity to use their imaginations as well as develop their oral skills.

Having said that, here you have the result of our video challenge.

Added to that, our storyboard as well as our vide challenge are goint to be part of a natinowide educational collaborative project which is called The ESL Time, so I feel really excited. We are having the opportunity to spread to the world our ideas and projects!. Apart from that we were given an award for having participated in this collaborative project!

I hope  you like it ! 

Do you know how to use the app Aurasma?

For this challenge we were asked to create a collaborative  screencast about a CLIl goal that fits with our e- project, added to support learners when they are using ICT tools, por example.
In order to accomplish this mission we all got an agreement that it would be a fantastic idea to explain our children how to use the app Aurasma as we have use it  to create our infographic.  
Once we had the idea, we were looking for a web tool that support that we would like to explain, and finally we come across with sScreencast- O- Matic. This is an intuitive, visual and online tool that allow you  to create tutorial videos with screen shoots with a high quality of sound, as well as of image.
I have to say that we spent just 2 minutes to know how it works so it was perfect!.

Once, we finished our tutorial, we had the opportunity to share it on youtube.

I consider that, using tutorial videos  in class in order to explain any activity they have to achieve is something really useful as  it allows children to learn on their own pace as well as be more independent learners.  Apart from that, children can also use it to explain to their peers how they have achieve some activitiy. 

Added to that, this is going to be part of the "AporTICs " nationwide collaborative project. Therefore, our artifact will be published in their blog! 

Our first chocotalk!

Last 7 th of April, my peers and I had the pleasure to participate in a collaborative project called Chococharlas. Chococharlas is a educative community that organize online meetings in different plataforms such as Youtube. People can participate sharing their ideas, suggestions about and educative topic. The only requirement is that, people have to eat sweets while they are discussing a topic!
We were challenged by our teacher to being part of a chococharla about CLIL and , once it has been done I have to say that it was really funny and we all were really motivated with this idea.  We had to work on it previously in order to get possitive results, but we did it with enthusiasm!
Whitin each group we were assigned different roles. 
  • Neus and Álvaro were the speakers in the chocotalk, giving opinions and sugguestions about the topics.
  • Paula y Mara were the content curators, resposible for writing a summary about the chocotalk, including the main ideas that were proposed. 
  • I was the dissseminator, that´s means that I had to spread to the world the chococharla through different social networks such us facebook or instagram. During the live event, I had to write tweets, so everybody could read what was going on!, using the hashtags: #chococharlas, #ictclil_urjc. I have to say that as my peers did it really good performance, I found difficult write tweets that summarized what they were talking about!  All the contenct was really interested!.
Here you have a summary of the most important aspects of the chocotalk. This magnificate work has been made for the content curators of my group. So, have a look here: 

If you are interested in it, h ere you can enjoy the whole chocotalk


Once the chocotalk finished, the educative community gave us an award because of our participation

Working on a collaborative e- project!

 For this challenge, we were asked to work in teams in order to create a collaborative e- project. This mission has been enriching for myself as I had to bear in mind the different points of views of my peers as well as to get an agreement with them in some cases. Sharing our knowledge not only about CLIL but also about the different tools that we can use, has been something fantastic! As we wanted to be organized, we decided to establish a role for each component of the group, so it was de distribution in my team: 
  • Coordinator:@Alvaro_Gope 
  • Supervisor: @Marta_Gayarre 
  • Secretaries: @22paau @maradomingezgo 
  • Speaker: @nepeuspu 

Once we had the roles assigned we started to think about our collaboratieve CLIL e- project, taking into account our initial topics. We decided to create a project with the purpose that children know their neighborhood in terms of recycling, public transport, facilities that it offers, different kind of shops, heritage and so on. For that purpose, we designed different activities that can be carried out with children. In order to spread to the world the purpose of our project, we were asked to create an infographic. It has been a fantastic way to present our ideas related to the project.

Our goal with this infographic has been to give a clue about the topic. In order to discover more about how it will be carried out we decided to include the app of Aurasma. That is why we created a video to explain biefly the contents that children are going to work on. After having a look at different tools such as Genially,,, we have decided to use Canva because it has more resources to create an infographic. The disadvantage of this tool is that only a few things are free, but with imagination, you can create your own template. Once we had created our infographic, we had the opportunity to submit our team digital articat to the InfoEdugraphics nationwide collaborative blog and then, they published it in thier blog, giving us an award because of our participation.