jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016


Hello everybody!
After assessing an e- project that was already done, it is time to start to design my own e- project!
I´m going to focus on a social issue that is still a challenge for us. I m talking about waste management , specially recyling and reusing it.
As a teacher, I consider that our students should be aware of the necessity of recycling and reusing waste, as well as to learn some possible ways to do it. That´s the reason why my e-project is directed to this topic.
Once I had in mind the goals and activities what I would like to carry out with students, I created a template in order to have a whole idea about the project. Here is it:


In order to do this challenge more attractive, we were asked to design our own prototype videoclip, so after having a look at different online free tools I decided to use Movie Maker, as I wanted to include video, music and images in it. Movie maker is a intuitive and easy tool to create amazing animated videos!.
Here is my  prototype videoclip: 

I hope you like it! 

I hope you enjoy my e- project! 

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

In order to create our own e- project, why not assess one that is already done?

This time the challenge has involved the evaluation of a CLIL e- project that is alredy done. Through this assessment, we are becoming aware of all the aspects that should be taken into account in order to create an accurate e- project. Therefore, this is the first step that we have to achieve to the creation of our own project later on.
After considering the different projects that we were provided, I have finally chosen the one called: “Chef of volume”, which was created by a previous student of this Master degree. The aim of this e-project is to show students that  mathematics can be also entertained.
I would like to say that this e-project is attractive, engaging and motivating for children to learn a mathematical content, using an innovated and original approach that is  based on a real context; where maths, ICT and cooking are combined.
In order to evaluate this project, in terms of possitive aspects or things that could be improved, I have decided to use an intuituve and free web tool which is called: Genially. Moving away from the tipical power point or even Prezi. Genially offers you plenty of opportunities to create an attractive a really visual presentations. It is  simple and easy  to use, with possitive results!
Here  is my evaluation CLIL e-project through Genially: